The business is not registered under the VCS and CDM registration process and your support will be a Voluntary Offset for which we will forward you a certificate to confirm your contribution and estimated carbon offset value.
Your contribution would be used to support more stoves at Blue Disa community.
We have done a baseline assessment and the average fuel switch replacement is estimated at 2.5TCO2 per stove per annum.
Please calculate your carbon footprint and offset our emissions by sponsoring a stove to a energy poor family.
Carbon Calculator
Cost per stove is R350 ($41.00) and over a 10 year period would save 25TCO2 and equate to R14 ($1.64) per TCO2.
Below the donate button: Please make use of the below third party carbon calculator to calculate your carbon footprint. To offset for stoves, calculate your footprint and multiply the result of your footprint with $1.64 for the total cost. Donate the amount via EasyPay and we will forward you the confirmation of your donation and stove reference number.